Lavender Garden
Lavender (Latin scientific name: Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) is a semi-shrub or dwarf shrub of the Lamiaceae family, lavender genus, branched, stellate tomentose, leaves linear or lanceolate linear, the leaves on the flowering branches are larger, sparse, in the Leaves on newer branches are small, fascicled, attenuated into a very short stalk at base, entire, margin revolute, midrib raised below, lateral and reticular veins inconspicuous. Whorl umbels, with many flowers, gathered into interrupted or nearly continuous spikes at the top of branches, bracts rhombic-ovate, apex acuminate into subulate, bracteoles inconspicuous; flowers with short stalks, blue, Densely gray, branched or unbranched tomentose. Calyx ovate-tubular or nearly tubular, corolla about twice as long as calyx, brim two-lipped, upper lip straight, lobes larger, rounded and slightly overlapping each other, lower lip developed, filaments flat, glabrous, Anthers hairy. Style hairy, compressed at apex, ovate. The lobes are opposite to the ovary lobes. Nutlets are oval, smooth and shiny, blooming in June. The whole plant has a light aroma of slightly woody sweetness.

Lavender Garden
Lavender (Latin scientific name: Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) is a semi-shrub or dwarf shrub of the Lamiaceae family, lavender genus, branched, stellate tomentose, leaves linear or lanceolate linear, the leaves on the flowering branches are larger, sparse, in the Leaves on newer branches are small, fascicled, attenuated into a very short stalk at base, entire, margin revolute, midrib raised below, lateral and reticular veins inconspicuous. Whorl umbels, with many flowers, gathered into interrupted or nearly continuous spikes at the top of branches, bracts rhombic-ovate, apex acuminate into subulate, bracteoles inconspicuous; flowers with short stalks, blue, Densely gray, branched or unbranched tomentose. Calyx ovate-tubular or nearly tubular, corolla about twice as long as calyx, brim two-lipped, upper lip straight, lobes larger, rounded and slightly overlapping each other, lower lip developed, filaments flat, glabrous, Anthers hairy. Style hairy, compressed at apex, ovate. The lobes are opposite to the ovary lobes. Nutlets are oval, smooth and shiny, blooming in June. The whole plant has a light aroma of slightly woody sweetness.
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